In addition, there is also nothing uncool about a blogger's bathroom photo shoot of her ginormous 3-D glasses which were just too cool to leave behind.
Until this afternoon, I had never seen a 3D movie before. I've seen, well, movies which featured its characters at the theatres with their flimsy red and green glasses. I watched them dart back and forth, spilling popcorn and other such things as to indicate their experience with the third dimension, but I didn't think real people actually attended them.
Earlier this week, a co-worker of mine invited me to see a 3D movie with him about guinea pig superheros. Normally my inner adult would keep me from seeing a film centered around animated rodents, but the fact that it was actually in 3D peaked my interest enough to agree.
In a move so utterly Laura it should be studied, I wound up at the wrong theatre and had to see the film by myself. On a related note, thank you, City of Austin, for having five cinemas with the same name. Cheers.
As I walked into the dark theatre alone, I had to own up to what I was doing. I didn't have the excuse of, "Oh, you know, we just went for a laugh. A kick in the pants, really." I watched all the young children and their parents file into the theatre and began to feel slightly uncomfortable that I didn't have an appropriately aged child sitting next to me. I'm not a creep, I swear! Once the room darkened and I figured no one was really watching me anyway, I spent the previews trying to balance my normal glasses and my 3D glasses on the bridge of my nose. Tricky. Suddenly the movie started and there I was, having animated paraphernalia whizzing past me left and right. It was... awesome.
In summation, the movie was crap but 3D is rad. The glasses alone gave me a great deal of blissful Sunday afternoon joy.
Until this afternoon, I had never seen a 3D movie before. I've seen, well, movies which featured its characters at the theatres with their flimsy red and green glasses. I watched them dart back and forth, spilling popcorn and other such things as to indicate their experience with the third dimension, but I didn't think real people actually attended them.
Earlier this week, a co-worker of mine invited me to see a 3D movie with him about guinea pig superheros. Normally my inner adult would keep me from seeing a film centered around animated rodents, but the fact that it was actually in 3D peaked my interest enough to agree.
In a move so utterly Laura it should be studied, I wound up at the wrong theatre and had to see the film by myself. On a related note, thank you, City of Austin, for having five cinemas with the same name. Cheers.
As I walked into the dark theatre alone, I had to own up to what I was doing. I didn't have the excuse of, "Oh, you know, we just went for a laugh. A kick in the pants, really." I watched all the young children and their parents file into the theatre and began to feel slightly uncomfortable that I didn't have an appropriately aged child sitting next to me. I'm not a creep, I swear! Once the room darkened and I figured no one was really watching me anyway, I spent the previews trying to balance my normal glasses and my 3D glasses on the bridge of my nose. Tricky. Suddenly the movie started and there I was, having animated paraphernalia whizzing past me left and right. It was... awesome.
In summation, the movie was crap but 3D is rad. The glasses alone gave me a great deal of blissful Sunday afternoon joy.
i used the new glasses when i saw U2-3D. i found the glasses, while better than the old ones, were too uncomfortable/distracting to wear while simultaneously wearing regular glasses. i.e. to keep them from sliding off my face, i had to hold the glasses up with my finger though the entire movie. thus, i've opted out of future 3D features.